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Penggunaan kata "join"

Many times we get mistake to use the word "join". We often put preposition "with". The word "join" is not followed by preposition "with", but it is possible to be followed by other preposition, but they have different meaning. In order to be more clear, this is explanation about them.

a. As verb, join has meanings:

   - Connect : to fix or connect two or more things together.

     Ex : The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 

   - Become one.

     Ex ; The path joins the road near the trees.

    - Become a member of an organization.

      Ex : She joined the company three months ago.

    - Do something with somebody else : to take part.

       Ex : Do you mind if I join you?

     - Get on.

       Ex : Do you want to join a train to go to Jakarta?

b. As phrase verb, join is followed by prepositions.

   - "join in" has meaning take part in an activity.

     Ex : I join in the anniversary. 

   - "join up" has meanings.

     1. to become a member of the armed forces.

        Ex : Her grandfather joined up in 1914.

        Note : join up = enlist

     2. to combine with somebody else to do something.

         Ex : We'll join up with the other groups later.

Composition :

I will join them. Will you join later? I invite you to join my club, although you join a church (a Christian  religion). My reason to invite you is because your yard joins mine and the door joins our yard. Let's join together to join in the party.



Kata "Gee" itu dibaca "Ji".
Kata ini mempunya arti "Astaga"
Contoh dalam Kalimat adalah seperti dibawah ini:
Gee, I didn't know that. [Astaga, saya tidak tahu. 

"Gee" juga mempunyai arti "Memerintahkan kuda membelok ke kanan. 

Ada juga, "Gee" mempunyai arti "Cawat" .
Contoh : Gee-string.[Cawat], 
Gee-string: Cawat / celana dalam wanita yang kecil, hanya menutupi kemaluan wanita saja. Bentuknya sangat seksi.


Kesalahan-Kesalahan Umum dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Susan tidak membuat kesalahan apapun.
Indonesian Style: Susan didn't make a fault anyway.
American Style: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.

2. Apakah kamu keberatan mengeposkan surat ini untukku? Tentu tidak.
Indonesian Style: Would you mind posting this letter for me? Yes, certainly.
American Style: Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Of course not. or [Not at all]

Note: Untuk menyatakan bahwa anda mau melakukan apa yang diminta, jawab dengan "Of course not". Jika anda menjawab "Yes, certainly" Anda menyatakan penolakan.

3. Keadaannya membaik.
Indonesian Style: He becomes better.
American Style: He got better.

4. Saya sarankan Anda untuk mengambil libur panjang.
Indonesian Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation.
American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation.

Note: Jangan terpengaruh dengan tata bahasa Indonesia. Kita sering mengatakan "Saya menyarankan Anda untuk . . . " Dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk menyatakan ekspresi seperti itu, gunakan "I recommend that you . . . "   
Kata "recommend (that)" seperti halnya kata-kata "suggest (that)", "insist (that), "demand (that)", "require (that), adalah kata-kata yang harus diikuti subjunctive verb.

5. Dia Mahasiswa Universitas Airlangga.
Indonesian Style: He is a student of Airlangga University.
American Style: He is a student at Airlangga University.

6. Saat itu diluar masih terang.
Indonesian Style: It was still bright outside.
American Style: It was still light outside.

7. Mari kesini!
Indonesian Style: Come to here!
American Style: COme here!

8. Bergabunglah bersama kami!
Indonesian Style: Join with us!
American Style: Join us!

9. Siapa yang masak salad ini?
Indonesian Style: Who cooked this salad?
American Style: Who made this salad?

10. Tidak seperti saya, dia mahir berbahasa Inggris.
Indonesian Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English
American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.

Silahkan lanjut ke Part 2....



=> You should give some examples of adjectives + noun.

=> The following is the example: a big dog, an expensive car, a brilliant student, a dirty skirt,etc.

=> You may contribute some more examples and then ask your female students to write the adjectives in column A, while your male students should write the nouns in column B, so it will be like this:

Column A
Column B
A red student
A stupid worker
A beautiful car
A simple lady
An expensive house
AN easy problem

=> Then they volunteer ideas for different combinations, for example: a stupid lady and you draw a line to join the two words. See how many adjectives + noun they can make. 

=> If someone makes unusual combinations, they have to justify it. Can you justify a red worker or a stupid car?

After they give some examples in writing, give the students sometime to practice orally. 
You say: "Expensive house". One of your students might say: "My mother bought an expensive house a year ago".



Permainan dalam Bahasa Inggris

=> The following are some examples of "SMS" [Short messages services]
1. My asst. cannot come today.
2. This bldg is very expensive.
3. Your letter has been recd.
4. Yr book will be borrowed. 
5. The mtg will be opened at 9 am.

What are the meaning of the underlined words?

=> Answers
1. asst.: assistant
2. bldg: building
3. recd: received
4. yr: your
5. mtg: meeting

You may be able to try to find abbreviations from any resources or even you may try to create your own abbreviation. Do the receivers understanding your message? if the answer is yes, it means it is understandable.
[Anda mungkin dapat mencoba mencari singkatan dari sumber apa pun atau bahkan Anda dapat mencoba membuat singkatan Anda sendiri. Apakah penerima memahami pesan Anda? jika jawabannya ya, artinya itu bisa dimengerti.]


[Membelanjakan harta dalam kebaikan]

Comfort that has been being given Allah to us is very much, so we should thank to Him. Allah gave us comfort is to examine what we thanked, then Allah will duplicate it or we refused it. So actually His torture is very smarting like His confirming in Surah Ibrah : 7

"If you are grateful I will add more favours unto you, but if you show ingratitude truly my punishment is terrible indeed"

Belonging to His biggest comfort is healthy and wealthy comfort as capital of worship to Allah the most Almighty.

The way of thanking wealthy comfort is to take outside the tithe or use it in kindness, for example to help the poor and needy, tighten relationship, develop mosque, musholla, school, Moslem boarding school, orphan foundation and others. All of them are the way of thanking wealthy comfort that can cause their wealthy increasing and being useful. While the best human being isto become model in kindness like that is said Prophet Muhammad that its meaning, "Someone who creates kindness then is followed by public, so he or she will get reward until doomsday."

Happy brothers and sisters.

Let's separate out a part of our wealthy to our brothers and sisters that require helping. And for our brothers and sisters, who want to get much livelihood, don't be stingy to donate the wealthy-God willing- will be changed and duplicated by Allah the most Almighty. That is also told in one of hadits whose meaning: "There was a man that faces on prophet and report: Oh Allah's messenger! I have much wealthy, how to give it to another? Prophet answers: release your wealthy tithe because it can clean and tighten your relationship and also detect poor rights and neighbor requiring".

As moslems, we take outside tithe doesn't mean to expect poor and needy existence. If we do carry out Islamic religion command seriously- for example praying, fasting, tithe and others-of course there is no our brothers and sisters who lack something, life of them is peaceful and also get benediction of Allah the most Almighty. Prophet Muhammad-may Allah bless him and give him peace-said whose meaning "One morning, all of servants will be visited two angels praying: Oh my God! May you change livelihood towards your servant who always give to another, another one pray: Oh my God! May you change livelihood with damage to your servant who doesn't always give another". That is also explained by prophet in his saying that its meaning" it will not decrease wealthy that donated and be afraid with stingy deed because damage of people before you is stingy character".

[Gotong Royong]

Happy audience 
An important activity up to now is less payed by people who live in city is mutual helping or mutual assistance. And if they know superiority and benefit or mutual helping or mutual assistance, certainly they will do soon because someone who likes mutual helping in kindness towards fellow creatures base on sincerity, certainly Allah will give very much reward. 

Happy audience
Usually we help our relative that ever help us isn't mutual helping but recompensation because human character which was explained Rasulullah in his hadits - likes towards someone who does a kindness and hate towards someone who hurts him.

Basic or principle of believers person is preferring mutual helping or mutual assistance in use, so also indonesian beginning  from antiquity period up to now has a characters that preferring mutual helping or mutual assistance. That is proven if they build mosque, musholla, school, Moslem boarding school, canal and highway that are done with mutual assistance and selfless.

Ibnu Umar told that Rasulullah-may Allah bless him and give him peace-said: Moslem is brotherhood, forbidden to treat each other or hostile. Someone who helps his brother so Allah will help him and someone who overcomes the brother's problem so Allah will overcome his problem at doomsday tomorrow, and someone who keeps over the brother secret so Allah also will cover his secret at doomsday tomorrow.

[Kemuliaan Islam]

Happy audience
Indeed that religion wished Allah is Islam. Someone who embraces it certainly is noble and one the contrary when someone embrances beside Islam certainly will regret. Someone who takes Islam light as the guide certainly gets true way. And on the contrary someone who takes light beside Islam certainly lost the way.

Islam guarantees glory and welfare to the followers like being explained in Allah saying in Surah Al-Munafiqun: 8
"But honour belongs to God and His apostle and to the believers"

The Islam glory gets better of the other religions so it leader Muhammad also gets better of other religion leaders. Islam teaches the follower love and affection toward fellow, sincere, useful for human beings. It also teaches to clean soul from bad behaviour and sin deed. Islam teaches for simple alive, suggestes to plant good deed for hereafter later.

Islamic religion is being since our pioneers had the glory moreover brouht fair leadership and wealthy because their soul was clean and holy.

Dear brothers and sisters
Islamic religion is the best religion. That is provable by order of believe in prophet Muhammad, prophet Mozez, prophet Isa or several another prophets. We also are commanded to believe in Al-Qur'an, old Testament (Taurat), gospel (Injil), also the others that came from Allah the most almighty and worthy of praise. That is explained in surah Al-Baqarah: 136

"Say you: "We believe in God and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to all prophets from their lord: we make no difference between one and another of them and we ow to God (in Islam)"

Happy audience
Let's always praise and thank to Allah that gives Islam to us eventhough it's not good enough by tongue because when our statement and deed are not appropriate so we are hypocrite group. While the hypocrite is placed in hell. Therefore let's prepare capital for return trip to nature more immortal.

[Kewajiban Shalat]

Happy audience
Actually praying is heritage of Islamic religion. Therefore someone who carries out praying means to maintain Islamic religion, on the contrary someone who leaves praying means to bring down Islamic religion. That is explained in surah An-Nisa: 103:
"For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times"

Praying is one of the charities connected between servant and his God and one of [the] sport salutaring the body and purifying the soul. Prophet Muhammad ever said that its meaning "an example of praying 5 times is like river whose water flows fresh. Anyone who will take a bath as much as 5 times everyday absolutely there will be dirt covering his body". 

Happy brothers and sisters
We are all also obligated to order our wife and our child carrying out praying 5 times, because they are entrusted Allah to us. That is explained Allah in surah Al-Anfal: 27
"O you that believe! betray not the trust of God and the apostle, nor misappropriate knowingly things entrusted to you"

Is is also explained by saying messanger whose meaning "Be afraid to Allah! Be afraid to Allah! Keep yourselves from ou women (wives), actually they are Allah's entrusting handed over you. Anyone who doesn't order his wife praying and doesn't teach her somethings related to praying so he betrayed to Allah and His messanger and was proper to get torture from Allah".

Happy brothers and sisters
Let's accustom to praying together in mosque or mushalla and ask Allah's protection in order not to leave praying together and accustom to staying in mosque because actually all of it has big profit ever carried out by kindpeople. Prophet said whose meaning "praying together the reward of which is folded as much as 27 degrees" his saying once more "someone who hears to summon to prays in a relax and well condition but doesn't leave to follow praying together so his praying is imperfect".

Praying Jum'ah the law of which is fardhu 'ain when the condition and the harmonious were fulfilled. Therefore it is called praying Jum'ah because Islam people gather once a week in mosque showing the coalition. Prophet Muhammad said "someone who takes a bath, leaves to do praying, prays two rakaat then listens sermon till finishes carrying out praying Jum'ah so the person sin will be forgiven by Allah until future praying Jum'ah and added to 3 days".

So let's improve our praying deed because praying is communicating media and tool to bring closer between servant and his God so one another is unforgetting each other. 


Happy audience
At least as Moslem people, don't do deed that can cause individual lowness and lose honour in the eyes of Allah and society. So that-God willing-we live with Allah love the almighty and most worthy of praise and happily in the world and hereafter. That is also confirmed in al-Qur'an Surah Yunus 63-64:

"Those who believe and (constantly) guard against Evil. For them are glad tidings in the life and hereafter"




Used to + bare infinitive
We use the expression “Used to” when we talk about a position in the past that doesn’t exist in the present. “used to” is followed by the base form of the verb (bare infinitive). 
Example :  
- He used to live in Chicago but now I live in England

Get used + gerund
The expression “get used to” means to become accustomed to doing something in present time. Get used to is also followed by a gerund.
Example :   
I get used to doing more responsibility at work.
I get used to this new computer.  

Be used to + gerund / noun
The expression “be used to” means to be accustomed to.
If you are used to doing something, it means that, the situation does not seem strange to you, that it is normal. Be used to is followed by a gerund or noun.
Example :
I am used to walking a mile to school each day.
Lifa is used to walking  a mile to school each day.
I am not used to living with a roommate. I used to live alone.
I am used to this condition.
Being student of ELCA, I am used to speaking English.

Will get used to + gerund / noun
The expression “will get used to” means to be going to become accustomed to doing something in future time.
Example :
you will get used to speaking English, when you will be living in the middle of American.
You don’t need to think about the season, just go and you will get used to the season.

Short story :
One upon time in china. I was a student at one of the Universities. I used to have close friend whose name was Chu. She used to be my everything. But I lose her forever, after something happened on September 22nd 2010. Today I have no one with me but I am used to living with nobody. I was wondering .....if I could come back to china once again.