Polite request with “would you mind” (apakah anda keberatan)

Asking permission
To ask permission to someone politely.
(The speaker does something)

Pattern : Would you mind + if + S + V2 + O
Ex                    : Would you mind if I opened the door?
                          The answer: when you feel ok:
No, not at all
No, of course not
No, that would be fine

When you don’t feel ok
I’m sorry

“Would you mind if I …..” is followed by simple past. (sometimes in informal spoken English, simple present is used)

Asking someone else to do something
To ask someone to do something politely
(the speaker does nothing).

Pattern             : Would you mind + Gerund (Ving)
Example          :          
Would you mind opening the door?

The answer when you feel ok:
No, I would be happy
Not at all, I’d be glad to
No, I’d love to

When you don’t feel Ok
I’m sorry

“Would you mind is followed by V-ing (Gerund)


In this executive bus, there are 3 people sitting together in three inspirited chairs. They don’t recognize one another. Husen is sitting near the window, Jefi is in the middle and Fikri is beside Jefi.
Jefi                  : excuse me, would you mind closing the window? I’m freezing
Husen              : no, that would be fine
Fikri                 : would you mind if I smoked here?
Jefi                  : I am sorry sir; this bus is full of AC
Fikri                 : Do you want a candy?
Husen & Jefi   : Thanks anyway
Fikri                 : Would you mind if I had candy?
Jefi                  : no, not at  all.

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