BAB 1 
Simple Present Tense (Verbal)

A. Kegunaan
1. Untuk menyatakan hal-hal yang bersifat umum.
     Contoh : The sun rises in the east.
              There are twelve months in a year.
              A ball is round.

2. Untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang dilakukan sekarang.
     Contoh : He studies English every day.
                   They work in the office.
                   She gets up early every morning.

3. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang.
    Contoh : The bus leaves tomorrow morning.
                  I go to your house next week.
                  He arrives in Holland next month.

4. Untuk menyatakan perintah atau permintaan.
   Contoh : Please let us do the work.
                 Get out of the room!
                 Call the police if you want.

5. Untuk menyatakan larangan/peringatan.
    Contoh : Don't open the door!
                  Don't go!
                  Don't tell him about it!

6. Untuk menjelaskan suatu kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan pada saat sekarang. Biasanya dalam suatu demonstrasi membuat sesuatu sambil menjelaskan tahap demi tahap.
    Contoh : Ladies and gentlemen, most of you don't know how to make a glass of nice coffee. First of all, take a spoonful of sugar, put it into a glass, than take a glass of hot water, .....

7. Untuk memberikan komentar dalam suatu pertandingan.
    Contoh : Hartono passes the ball to Roni. Then Roni passes it to Ramang who heads it past the goalkeeper and scores!

8. Untuk memberikan komentar dalam babak-babak drama kepada penonton/pendengar.
    Contoh : When the thief comes up, the owner of the gold hides behind the door. He is so afraid of the thief. But Suddenly, the thief stands up in front of him, put a knife around his neck,....

9. Digunakan dalam kalimat seru yang dimulai dengan here atau there. 
    Contoh : Here she comes!
                  Here comes the plane!
                  There he goes!
                   There goes the bell!

B. Pola Kalimat
(+) Subject + verb-1(s/es) + object + adverb
(-) Subject + do/does + not + verb-1+object + adverb
(?) Do/does +Subject + verb-1+ object+adverb?

Example in the Sentence :
(+) I speak English
(-) I do not speak English
(?) Do I speak English?

(+) She speaks English
(-) She does not speak English
(?) Does she speak English?

Note :
I, you, we, they, nama orang dua = tanpa ditambah dengan "S/ES"
she, he, it, nama orang satu = ditambah dengan "S/ES"

I,you,we,they, nama orang dua = ditambah dengan "DO NOT"
She,he,it, nama orang satu = ditambah dengan "DOES NOT"

DO = I,you,we,they,nama orang dua?
DOES = She,he,it,nama orang satu?

 Catatan Penting :
# Huruf s ditambahkan pada kata kerja yang diikuti oleh subject kalimat : she, he, it, ama orang/benda tunggal atau jabatan/sebutan orang tunggal.

Contoh : He works.
              Jane works.
              The director works.

#Huruf es ditambahkan pada kata kerja yang huruf terakhir adalah : -es,-sh,-ch,-x,-o, bila diikuti subject kalimat seperti she, he, it,nama orang/benda tunggal atau jabatan/sebutan orang tunggal.
Contoh: Pass    ==> He passes
             Wash   ==> Jack washes
             Go       ==> The doctor goes
             Watch  ==> She watches
             Fix       ==> The carpenteer fixes

#Huruf ies ditambahkan kepada kata-kata yang memiliki huruf mati (consonant) diikuti y bila subject kalimat yang mengikutinya: she, he, it, nama orang/benda tunggal atau jabatan/sebutan orang tunggal. Huruf y luluh menjadi huruf i.
Contoh : Fly  ===>  The plane flies.
              Cry ===>  She cries.

#Kata have dalam kalimat positive, bila diikuti subject kalimat she, he, it, nama orang/benda/binatang tunggal atau jabatan/sebutan orang tunggal berubah menjadi has.
Contoh : He has a lot of books.
              The teacher has a dictionary.

#Kata bantu do not disingkat menjadi don't sedangkan kata bantu does not dapat disingkat menjadi doesn't.
 Contoh : We do not eat    ===> We don't eat.
               He does not eat  ===> He doesn't eat.

#Keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense Verbal :
Every day                     Once in a week                   Always
Every week                   Twice a week                     Sometimes
Every month                  Once a day                         Generally
Every year                     Twice a day                        Usually
Every morning                Once a month                     Often
Every evening                Once a year                         Never
Every night                     Twice a month                     Regularly
Every monday                Twice a year                        Nowdays
Every sunday                Three times a day                 Frequently
Every december            ........a day                           seldom
Every...(names of days)    Once in a while                  Normally
Every....(names of months)    etc.

Latihan :
Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk negative, interrogative dan negative-interrogative.
Contoh : He gets up early.
              (-) He does not get up early.
              (?) Does he get up early?
              (-?) Doesn't he get up early?

1. They feel tired.
    (-) _____________________
    (?) _____________________
    (-?) ____________________

2. We drink a lot of water.
    (-) ______________________
    (?) ______________________
    (-?) _____________________

3. She comes late.
    (-) _____________________
    (?) _____________________
    (-?) ____________________

4. My friend tells me a lie.
    (-) _____________________
    (?) _____________________
    (-?) ____________________

5. Mary dreams every night.
    (-) _____________________
    (?) _____________________
    (-?) ____________________

6. John and Mary like fish.
    (-) ______________________
    (?) ______________________
    (-?) _____________________

7. He carries that heavy box.
    (-) ______________________
    (?) ______________________
    (-?) _____________________

8. The carpenter cuts the tree.
    (-) _____________________
    (?) ____________________
     (-?) ____________________

9. She finds the books.
   (-) _____________________
   (?) _____________________
   (-?) ____________________

10. The dogs run after the cats.
       (-) ___________________
       (?) ___________________
      (-?) ___________________

11. The girl does her homework.
     (-) ____________________
     (?) ____________________
     (-?) ___________________

12. The boys play on the ground.
      (-) ____________________
      (?) ___________________
      (-?) ___________________

13. We laugh at him.
      (-) ___________________
      (?) ___________________
      (-?) ___________________

14. They read history book.
    (-) ____________________
    (?) ___________________
    (-?) __________________

15. My sister sits on the chair.
     (-) ___________________
     (?) ___________________
     (-?) ___________________

16. The driver drives his car.
      (-) ___________________
      (?) ____________________
      (-?) ___________________

17. My uncle goes to Tulungagung.
      (-) ______________________
      (?) ______________________
      (-?) _____________________

18. The policemen arrest him.
       (-) _____________________
       (?) _____________________
       (-?) ____________________

19. My father buys a car.
      (-) _____________________
      (?) ____________________
      (-?) ____________________

20. I blow the candle light.
      (-) ____________________
      (?) ____________________
      (-?) ___________________

Present Continuous Tense

A. Kegunaan.
    1. Untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang.
    Contoh : I am eating now.
                   He is sleeping now.
                  They are drinking at this moment.

   2. Untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung saat sekarang ketika peristiwa atau kegiatan lain terjadi.
     Contoh : She is talking to someone when we meet her.
                    Jack is studying when I phone him.

   3. Untuk menyatakan suatu rencana yang akan segera dilakukan di masa yang akan datang, Dalam hal ini, keterangan waktu yang dipakai seperti : tonight, tomorrow, next ....., mutlak digunakan.
     Contoh : They are leaving for Jakarta tomorrow.
                    She is arriving at the airport at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

4. Dengan pola be going to untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang. 
    Contoh : He is going to meet me next week.
                   We are going to hunt tomorrow.

B. Pola Kalimat 
(+) Subject + To be (Is/Am/Are) + Verb-ing + Object + Adverb
(-) Subject + To be (Is/Am/Are) + Not + Verb-ing + Object + Adverb
(?) To be (Is/Am/Are) + Subject + Verb-ing + Object + Adverb?

Example in the sentence :
(+) I am speaking English now.
(-)  I am not speaking English now.
(?) Am I speaking English now?

(+) She is speaking English now.
(-) She is not speaking english now.
(?) Is she speaking English now?

Note :
1. Bila suatu kalimat diawali dengan look atau listen atau be careful atau be quiet, maka Present Continuous Tense dapat dipakai.
   Contoh : Listen! Someine is knocking at the door.
                  Look! The guest is singing.
                  Be careful! It is biting.
                  Be quiet! The head master is speaking.

2. Kata-kata berikut ini tidak umum dipakai dalam bentuk Present Continuous :
    a. Kata-kata yang menyangkut pancaindra : see, hear, notice, recognize.
    b. Kata-kata yang menyangkut emosi : want, desire, smell, forgive, wish, care, like, hate, adore, dislike.

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