The Expressions of Greeting and Leave Taking
     Commonly, when people meet each other, they will shake hand and greet each other. There are some expressions used on greeting people, such as Good morning, Hi, How are you, and so on. There is often a difference in greeting expression depending on situation. In this article, we are going to learn kinds of greeting and their use. Then, we are going to learn about leave taking, gratitude, and apologizing expressions.

1. The Expressions of Greeting
      Greeting is a word or movement to welcome someone. Greeting is also a conventional phrase used to start a letter or conversation or otherwise to acknowledge a person's arrival or presence. Sometimes, we say or do when you meet someone in school, station, market, etc.

There are many ways of greeting. 
a. General Greeting (Formal)
    1) Hello!
    2) How are you?
    3) How are you doing?
    4) How is everything?
    5) How have you been keeping?

b. General Greeting (Informal)
    1) Hi.
    2) What's up?
    3) Good to see you
    4) How are things (with you)?
    5) How's it going?

There are some responses of greeting as follow:
a. Hi
b. Hello
c. Nice to meet you
d. Good to meet you
e. Pleased to meet you

2. Leave Taking or Parting
     Leave taking or parting is the act of departing politely. Here are the expressions of parting and its responses leave taking, as follow.
a. Sorry, I have to go now.
b. It's been nice talking to you.
c. Good bye.
d. See you tomorrow.
e. Yes of course. See you.

Practice the dialogue below with your partner in front of the classroom! Then, answer the questions!

Nadia: Well, it was nice talking to you.
Tania: It was nice talking to you too.
Nadia: We should really hang out again.
Tania: That would be fun.
Nadia: Where do you want to go?
Tania: I think we should go out to eat
Nadia: That sounds good.
Tania: Alright, so I'll see you then.
Nadia: I'll call you later.
Tania: Okay, I'll talk to you later then.
Nadia: See you later
Tania: Bye

1. What does Nadia say to greet Tania first?
2. What does Tania's respond to Nadia's greeting?
3. Where does Tania probably want to go?
4. Will Nadia want to go with Tania?
5. Mention some of leave taking expression from the dialogue above!

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