My Uncle is a zookeeper
Do you ever ask somebody's opinion about something? What are their answers to the opinion? When you go visiting to the zoo, do you ever ask other opinion about the animals in the zoo? what do you see in the zoo?
When you go to the zoo there are many kinds of animals you can see at the zoo. Do you ever ask opinion to other about what have you seen at the zoo. What are the responds? And if the an
My Uncle is a zookeeper
Do you ever ask somebody's opinion about something? What are their answers to the opinion? When you go visiting to the zoo, do you ever ask other opinion about the animals in the zoo? what do you see in the zoo?
When you go to the zoo there are many kinds of animals you can see at the zoo. Do you ever ask opinion to other about what have you seen at the zoo. What are the responds? And if the an