1. A narrative text tells a story and is mainly used to entertain the readers.
2. A narrative text can also be used to stimulate emotion or to teach.
3. A narrative text usually consists of three main parts:
    - Orientation
      This part tells about the setting of the story (the time/place of the story) and the main characters in the story.
    - Complication
      This part includes situations, activities or events that lead to problem(s)/complication(s) before the climax.
    - Resolution
      The problem or complication is solved here. It shows the end of the story, usually a happy ending.
4. An example of a narrative text
    Orientation - tells about the setting of the story (the time/place of the story) and the main characters in the story.

One day, an honest mouse made a friends with a cat. They lived in the same house. Since winter would come soon, the mouse suggested that they should store some food.

"In this way, we will not get hungry in the winter," the mouse said.
"That is a good idea," the cat said.

Complication- includes situations, activities or events that lead to problem(s)/complication(s) before the climax.

One night, the mouse and the cat found a big pot of cheese. They were so happy about it. They carefully kept the pot in the attic of the house next door.

The cat, however, was not a good friend. He wanted to have all the cheese for himself, so he tried to find a way to secretly eat the cheese. 

So he spoke to the kind-hearted mouse, "My friend, my nephew is sick. I have to go and visit him," he said sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that, my friend. Yes, of course, I think you should go and visit him. I hope your nephew will get well soon," the mouse said.

After that, the cat quickly went to the attic and greedily ate the cheese. He ate one third of the cheese.

Three days later, the cat said to the mouse that he would visit his sister. He said that his sister had just had a new baby. Of course, the cat lied again because he went to eat the cheese in the attic. There was only a half of the cheese left.

Ten days went by and the cat wanted to eat the cheese again. So he went and talked to the mouse.

"I want to visit my old grandma," the cat told the mouse.
"Okay, send my best regard to her, will you?" reply the mouse.
Hurriedly, the cat ran to the attic. This time, the cat greedily ate up the rest of the cheese.

When the winter came, the mouse finally found out that there was no cheese left. He finally realized that the cat had lied to him all the time. The mouse was very disappointed and angry at the same time.

He cried angrily. "You are not my best friend anymore!"

Resolution- Shows the end of the story

From then on, the mouse and the cat were enemies.

II. GRAMMAR: Past Perfect Tense
1. The purpose of the past perfect Tense is to express action in the past before another action in the past. This is the past in the past.
e.g. Before I played football, I had done my homework
       I didn't have money, because I had lost my money.
       After she had cleaned the house, she got to bed.

2. The form is:
     S + HAD + V3             She had = she'd
                                         I had      = I'd

e.g. After he'd come, we could solve the problem.
       After she'd spent her holiday in Bali, she wanted to learn about its culture.
      I was tired because I'd studied too much.

3. Use V3 or past participle verbs in past perfect tense.


Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.
You went to Anita's house but she wasn't there. (she/go/out) she had gone out.

1. I invited Jane to the party but she couldn't come. (she/arrange/to do something else)

2. You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the cinema late. (the film/already/begin)

3. I was very pleased to see Rohmah again after such a long time. (I/not/see/her for five years)

4. I offered Aldo something to eat but he wasn't hungry. (he/just/have/breakfast)

5. The ladies went to the room immediately, but it was too late. (the princess/prick/herself)

Choose and cross (x) the best answer.
Read the following text to answer questions 1-5.

Once upon a time, there lived a Clouds familiy,. Papa Cloud, Mama cloud and Cloud children lived quietly in the sky. 

Every morning, the Cloud children went to the sky playground to play on the slide. But since there was only one slide, they had to take turns on the slide. Lody, the youngest Cloud child, looked impatient. He could not wait for his turn to come. His brother, Tody, didn't like his attitude. Suddenly, they quarreled. Their white bodies became grey. It meant they were very angry. When the clouds were angry, water usually came out of their bodies. It meant rain for the people on Earth.

"Stop it, children! Stop fighting!" Papa Cloud said.

"You can play with the slide in turns.  Now, shake hands. Both of you!" ordered Papa Cloud.

Lody and Tody shook hands and slowly their colours changed. Their bodies became fair and white again. The rain stopped and people on Earth could go on with their activities again. 
(Adapted from: Fun English Magazine, Edisi 4 Th. VIII)

1. Who are the characters in the story?
a. Clouds family.
b. Papa Cloud.
c. Mama Cloud.
d. Lody and Tody.

2. The children had a quarrel because...
a. The slide was broken.
b. Lody did not want to queue up.
c. The slide was not big enough.
d. They wanted to play other games.

3. What happened when the cloud children got angry?
a. Their bodies turned grey.
b. There was a rainbow in the sky.
c. Their bodies were broken into pieces.
d. The people on Earth continued working.

4. "....Lody, the youngest cloud child, looked impatient." (paragraph2)
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
a. imprisoned.
b. exhausted.
c. annoyed.
d. impolite.

5. How did the story end?
a. The Cloud children understood their mistake.
b. The parents got angry and cursed the children.
c. The parents sent the Cloud children to the earth.
d. The Cloud children were separated from their parents.

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